Have you ever felt like your life or ministry was on hold? It seems that everyone around you is being promoted and you're not. You turn on Christian TV and view the trendy, modern and culturally "up and coming" ministries and say to yourself, "They're doing it...why can't I?" "Here I am, stuck doing the same thing over and over." "Why do I feel like my life is in 'pause mode' instead of 'play mode'?" "Why do I feel like God has put me in hiding?"
Friend, serving the Lord in any ministry capacity requires patience and endurance. If you have answered the call of God, then there will be a specific season in your life that God will "hide" you. When He does, realize that it's for your perfection (maturing) and development. God ultimately knows, that the "hiding" He allows now will produce a greater anointing later.
I liken this to the process of wine making. One stage of the wine making process is when the wine is placed in an earthen vessel in a dark place similar to that of a cellar or a basement. It has to learn to settle and be still in order for the fermenting process to be completed. Another way of looking at it is, if the wine continues to be stirred-up the the fermenting process will be delayed.
Isaiah declared that the Lord hath "Hidden him in His quiver." Understanding the quiver experience can be a challenge especially when you feel the pressure of other people trying to get you to make a flesh move rather than a spirit-led shift.
You may ask, "But what if I feel I've already taken the necessary steps of preparation to be elevated to leadership promotion?"
You may have successfully overcome painful experiences or have even learned valuable life lessons in how to respond correctly to your calling, your preparation, your hiding under God's hand and even the polishing of your personality and now you're asking "Why the waiting period now?"
As a servant-leader, this is the time you learn patience. This is tough and rough to hear. However, not only is God stretching you, He is using this experience to sand off your rough edges and get you to the place of 100%!
The "quiver experience" is more internal than external. This is almost always the hardest test for any leader, but it is necessary to learn the timing of God.
I like what Paul said in Galatians 4:4 "But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law."
Jesus was sent forth "in the fullness of time." He came to earth at the perfect moment in history. This arrow, Jesus, had been waiting for the right time in which He would be made known to the world.
Consider David...he was anointed and destined to be the next King of Israel. He was just a teenager when the prophet Samuel anointed him, but he did not take the throne of Judah until he was thirty. David had to wait in the quiver for an estimated ten to thirteen years. In fact, he was thirty seven before he reigned over Judah and the entire nation of Israel.
Several times, David could have killed Saul to gain the throne by natural means, but the Lord gave him the grace to know that He would open the throne to David in His own time.
David chose to wait for God’s timing, not man’s or his own.
You have a special season set aside by God in which you must hide in the quiver. Your ministry will only be revealed at His appointed time. Temptation and pressure will come to every "called" man or woman of God to run ahead of God's timing. However, God's sons must take great care to avoid tampering with the perfect timing of the Lord.
There is no set age for the release of an associate, assistant, or leader in training. There is no set pattern to follow for the "release into ministry." The time and manner of release is different for every leader. This is why you can't compare yourself to other people, especially those you see on TV. Wait patiently for the timing of the Lord, for He is the only perfect "marksmen."
If you are a Joshua, then serve your Moses.
If you are a David, then serve your Saul.
If you are an Elisha, then serve your Elijah.
Serve like it's the last thing on earth God wants you to do. What you make happen for someone else, God will make happen for you. In fact, it will open the door for future ministry.
Luke 16:12 And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?
I also view the "quiver experience" as a time when God straightens us out. In other words, whatever is lacking in our life, whether it's a disobedient spirit, laziness or an unwillingness to be spiritually fathered or mothered, He chastens us in that area until we make the necessary corrections.
If corrections are not made, this delays our future ministry potential and we are left in the quiver longer. The quiver experience is initiated by God, but the length of time we're there can be shortened once we settle it in our hearts that we're going to allow the Lord to shape us during this process.
Decide today that even if God hides you in His quiver, you'll remain faithful, fruitful and full of zeal during the process. Give 100% to the Lord's work, His leaders and your assignment.
You may have served someone or somewhere faithfully for the past ten years - but if you drop the ball at the end of the game, by losing steam or floundering in your purpose, that's what people will remember.
My advice...stay the course, run with fervency, keep the faith, make necessary internal corrections, improve your serve, adjust your attitude, honor God in your lifestyle, serve and honor your leaders as a true son and daughter, walk in humility and refuse to get out of God's timing.
Grace and peace to you!