Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pastor...don't give up!

Navigating a church through the rigorous terrain of today's cultural climate can be challenging to say the least.  It seems I'm constantly on the phone with pastor's and church leaders exchanging ideas and sharing principles.

Sometimes I sense that the conversation doesn't end on a high note because I wasn't able to share a "magic formula" or a three step infallible program.

In my humble opinion...if you're going to build a church, impact a community and raise up leaders...IT'S GOING TO TAKE WORK!

More and more pastors are quitting the ministry at an unprecedented rate.  According to H.B. London in his book, Pastors At Greater Risk, he states that  "Members of the clergy now suffer from obesity, hypertension and depression at rates higher than most Americans. In the last decade, their use of antidepressants has risen, while their life expectancy has fallen. Many would change jobs if they could."
  • 13% of active pastors are divorced.
    • Those in ministry are equally likely to have their marriage end in divorce as general church members.
    • The clergy has the second highest divorce rate among all professions.
  • 23% have been fired or pressured to resign at least once in their careers.
  • 25% don't know where to turn when they have a family or personal conflict or issue.
  • 25% of pastors' wives see their husband's work schedule as a source of conflict.
  • 33% felt burned out within their first five years of ministry.
  • 33% say that being in ministry is an outright hazard to their family.
I've asked myself the question, "Why am I doing this?"  In all honesty, and I hope those of you reading this will allow me to be human, sometimes I've thought about dropping the whole "kit and caboodle" in someone else's lap and saying, "ENJOY!"
  • When you think about the overwhelming demands of ministry today...
  • The fickleness of personalities...
  • The unnecessary junk you go through...
  • The refereeing of needless squabbles...
  • The media's downplay of the church...
  • The constant personal attacks...
  • The immaturity of people who "should" know better by now but won't do better...
  • The traveling mindset of folks you have continually helped over and over who jump ship thinking a new environment will cure what ails them...truth is if they can't be stable here...they won't be stable there.
  • The spirit of consumerism amongst casual Christians who are just looking for a place to attend without any accountability concerning their discipleship, attendance or lifestyle.
  • The lost art of loyalty...
  • The lack of ministerial etiquette...
  • The lack of protocol coupled with a "don't tell me what to do" attitude...
  • Broken promises and covenants...
  • Health issues...
Those things alone are enough to keep you distracted from your vision and make you want to run towards Elijah's cave & juniper tree.

But the reason I haven't quit is because I know that God has called me to do what I'm doing and He's given me a special GRACE to do it.  Without His grace and His assurance...I would have yielded to the flesh long ago.

Ministry today TAKES WORK!
EFFECTIVE ministry requires longevity!
Ministry requires THICK SKIN and a "made up" mind.

Ministry takes EFFORT!  It takes prayer, planning and preparation...and either you will do it or you won't.  It really is that simple.'ll never be able to please EVERYONE.  Don't you dare think about quitting today!  It is WORTH it!

I'm not saying this because I'm just looking for a Comforting Christian Cliché to encourage you with.  I'm speaking this from experience!  There are days when I feel like I can conquer the world...and then there are others where I feel the world has conquered me.

I've been there!
  • You feel like your sermon stunk...
  • A member of your team bails on you or does something crazy...
  • You can't sleep at night cause you're bombarded with decisions and concerns...
  • People lie about you (or tell half truths, same thing really!)...
  • The critics take shots at you...
  • Increased spiritual warfare...
  • You wrestle with your own inadequacies...
  • Only a few people understand the levels of loneliness you experience...
  • Etc...
In the past 12 years as pastor of BFWC I've experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.  I've asked the question, "Is it really worth all of this?"

And I hear a "YES" in my spirit!  Pastor...if God CALLED you...He will SUSTAIN you!  He is with you and will never leave you!  HE IS WORTH IT!

I've had rough days, weeks & months!  And yet, God always gives me what I need JUST when I need it.  Perhaps you're reading this today and you feel overwhelmed...let me remind you that FOLLOWING JESUS is worth it!  Yes, there is a price to pay in ministry...but it is NOWHERE near the price He paid for us!

Last Sunday night when we were on the streets of Indianapolis serving, we connected with over 2000 people in one hour!  Eight people prayed to receive Christ and we ministered Christ's love in an impactful way.  During the praise rally following, I was thinking to myself, "I am SO GLAD that I haven't quit or given up on the vision God gave me in 1999 when I came to BFWC...following Him has not been easy, but is SO worth it!"

Pastor, God did not call you so that you would have to run around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to PROVE yourself to Him or anyone else for that matter.  He called you to PROVE His Son to the world!  Just be yourself and be true to the freedoms He has given you!  Heaven is cheering you on!

It's worth it!  Don't give up!  Stay in the game!  Focus on Jesus!  Keep your vision before you!  Listen to His voice and not the naysayers!

God has not given up on you!

  • I pray this weekend will be INCREDIBLE for you! 
  • I pray you'll PREACH YOUR GUTS OUT!  
  • I pray you'll see RESULTS! 
  • I pray you'll IMPACT your community! 
  • I pray you'll get your SECOND wind!