Sunday, July 24, 2011

Do We Need Technology Teams In The Church?

Technology and gadgets are lots of fun!  I appreciate the positive effect that technology can have in ministry.  However, technology isn't everything.  If we focus on what we don't have we'll forget what we do have.

As a pastor, I feel the technology that the church uses should help me convey my message both in the pulpit and out of the pulpit.  (i.e., power point; videos; communication; etc.)

We're blessed with a great media team who take good care in supporting my personal vision and our corporate vision.

If you could read my thoughts (melancholics assume you can) you would see the thought processes that are constantly whirling through my mind...thoughts of principles and priorities that supercede technology with all of it's bells and whistles.

What Matters Most

To me, the main thing is connecting people to Christ - even if we don't have video screens, mac computers, video cameras, digital recording studios, lights, haze or green screens.  Every member of our team should be focused on the MAIN THING without getting detoured on side projects and for that matter getting discouraged if they don't have the resources that the church down the street has. 

Our weekly services have to remain focused on ONE THING - connecting people to Christ.  I admit, quality technology can assist us in reaching that goal with added value but it shouldn't be the ONLY THING we focus on.

One of my favorite moments of corporate worship is when the band stops playing and you can hear every one's voice ringing through the rafters.  It's "unplugged" and "vintage."  It's extra special to me.

I'm always aware that people have a choice of where they worship.  I mention that from the pulpit as often as I think to.  I thank the people for choosing to worship with us because I realize that they indeed made a choice to join us for that particular service.  For some, this is their first experience with our church or "the church" in general.  It is my hope that they'll have a GOOD EXPERIENCE - because their experience will probably determine whether or not they'll return.  So we must make it our priority to make that first experience excellent each and every weekend!

My thoughts on technology, at this point, is to make sure were using it to support our churches forcing us along with it.

Can Someone Help the Pastor?

We can sometimes become "over-the-top" in our efforts to create the WOW FACTOR.  Whether its light settings, stage designs, video displays or moving backgrounds. 

Honestly, our teams should really be thinking - "I need to make sure I'm ministering to my shepherd and his/her calling."  Whether you are a staff member or volunteer, you must do everything within your ability to help your pastor retain complete confidence in your ability to support his/her vision. 

Your pastor needs to know that you're supportve of his/her vision 100% and will partner with him/her to achieve it.  If you're not, the opportunity to "show boat" or become "prideful" will constantly be a temptation. 

Say No to Distractions!

Do everything in your power to alleviate all distractions that would inhibit your pastor's message from being communicated.  What a comfort it is to know when I walk on to microphone has been tested for EQ and a fresh battery...and our audio, video, lighting and internet teams are behind me!  Knowing this, gives me confidence to deliver the message God has given me without having to worry my mind over needless distractions.

Your Pastor Is Not Superman!

One thing every leader needs to remember is that it's not your pastor's job to know how to do what you do.  If you are given an assignment that has the potential to present a technical challenge - then be clear about how it could affect the service.  It is your responsibility to communicate to your pastor in a way that he or she can understand.  (Not every pastor is technologically savvy)  Please take the time to communicate the necessary information so that your pastor is prepared.  He or she will appreciate the time you take and the special care you give them to support their vision.

On a final note....

Be a Worshipper!

Don't get so caught up in "exercising your gifting" that you forget to worship.  You can worship while playing an instrument; running a camera; tweaking sound; ushering; greeting; typing at a keyboard; etc.

If you'll be a worshipper you'll see an improvement in the worship service.

At the end of the day, remember that this is NOT a "show" or a "gig!"  You are called to do more than just SHOW UP and SHOW OUT.  You are a WORSHIPPER first...and a technician second!  Never lose sight of this or the Lord's work will only be "another task to complete."

It is a PRIVILEGE to be able to do what I get to do for the Lord!  Whether it's mixing sound, singing, playing an instrument, running a computer, etc!  It's a CALLING and it demands my full attention and drives me to reach for EXCELLENCE!

Your gifts and calling are so important to God that He has placed you in a premier place to help fulfill your pastors vision.  Never lose sight of what you've been called to do and why you've been called to do it.

No matter how significant or insignificant the task may seem to you, if it is required by your pastor, then it is important to the vision of the church. 

Stay connected to the vision of your pastor and your personal dream/vision will come to pass!  YOU ARE NEEDED!