Monday, July 18, 2011

Take Another Look at the Church (Part 3)

I feel like the church is sometimes stuck between gears.  It's as if there is a moment of hesitation when the shift is taking place. 

Growing up, I owned several motorcycles.  I learned early on how to shift gears while riding.  In fact, knowing how to shift gears on those motorcycles prepared me when I purchased my first standard car ... a three cylinder Subaru Justy.  Yes...I said three cylinder! (LOL) 

My "senses" learned how to feel and listen for the shift. 

It's funny watching someone learn how to drive a standard vehicle:  they pop the clutch, stall the engine and grind the gears.  Eventually, they catch the feel of the car and how and when to make the shift.

That's where I feel the church is right now. 
There is a definite shift happening.

As a 40 year old...I feel like I'm somewhere in the middle of the generational shift.  I feel like I can identify with the old time saints as well as the expectations of the emerging generation.

Like it or not...a shift is happening! 
It's going to happen whether we're ready for it or not.

I feel that, eventually, the older generation and the younger generation will be speaking the same language...but will use different words to describe their viewpoint.

However, both are after the same objective... a TANGIBLE relationship with God.  They're just choosing different roads to get there.  The good news is they'll eventually end up at the same place.

My parents live in Northeast Ohio.  I live in Indiana.  We travel to Kentucky periodically for family reunions.  We take two different routes to get there but we arrive at the same place.  We use different vehicles too.  Those vehicles have various features that make them unique too. (i.e., sunroof, four wheel drive, varying media systems, tinted windows, custom wheels, etc.)

We arrive at the same place...we just take different routes and use different vehicles to get there.

So...if we know we're headed to the same place...what does it profit us to argue about cosmetic choices pertaining to systems, strategies or methods?

Today's culture isn't interested in arguing over bylaws, procedures or rules.  They're interested in RELATIONSHIP.  If you can establish a relationship with them...they'll open up to you and allow you to lead them forward...even if you're navigating through an antiquated system.
  • I digress...Pastors...can you imagine taking your new converts to a religious business meeting and exposing them to attitudes, arrogance, arguing and people who just want to hear themselves speak over the mic?
  • I wonder how much red tape Jesus had in His ministry? 
  • Did He yield to the "good ole boy...he's a jolly good fellow" mentality or did He make theocratic appointments?
  • I wonder if Jesus used Roberts Rules of Order when He turned over the tables of the money changers? 

Relationship affords authentic trust.
Authentic trust is priceless!  

I'm discovering that this "RELATIONAL GENERATION" are not fans of dead religion, rituals or rules that make no sense.  Neither are they fans of politics, fads or "good ole' boy" mindsets.

The relational generation is comprised of a people who are seeking a tangible relationship with God.  A relationship that is forged in the heart of genuineness, passion and authenticity.

In my own words I like to refer to this up and coming generation as the "TANGIBLE CHURCH."  A church that prefers the presence of the Lord over policy and procedures.  Where facade is replaced with transparency. 

The tangible church desires the essence of God more than perfume of politics.