Monday, September 9, 2013

Giving Should Be Our Style of Living

How do you see INCREASE in your life?  The key to increase is INVESTING.  

There's a verse in the Bible that I love, because it speaks VOLUMES about the POTENTIAL of PROSPERITY in our lives through our GENEROSITY!

"A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed!"

(Proverbs 11:25 NIV)

It's not the SEED you KEEP that's the SEED you SOW.  That seed NEVER leaves your life, and it moves from your PRESENT into your FUTURE.  It goes ahead of you, to rearrange tomorrow in your FAVOR!

I don't expect people in the world to understand this principle and, sadly, not everyone in the church understands it either.  NOT KNOWING how this principle works places us on the opposite side of God's blessings.

When you can GIVE with no strings attached, you've learned how to CONQUER a GREEDY spirit.  It's also proof that you've conquered your FEAR of lack.  When you GIVE, your gift tells God that He is first in your life.  It says you're totally confident that He is going to meet your needs and BLESS you!

Can I cheat myself out of a blessing?  Yes!  If you're not SOWING, you're ROBBING yourself of the harvest.  

"One person gives freely, yet gains even more;
another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty."

(Proverbs 11:24 NIV)

See, it's possible to GIVE away and become RICHER!  It is also possible to hold on too tightly and lose everything!

GIVING should be our style of LIVING!

Trust me, God will give us plenty of opportunities to WATER others - - and when we do, blessings will begin to pour back upon us!