Monday, September 16, 2013

You're Next In Line For A Miracle!

I speak healing over you in the name of Jesus!  Yesterday, a young man in our church, Duke Lovins, testified that the doctors told him he would be in a wheelchair before age nineteen. Today, he's twenty four and still walking!  Walking hasn't always been easy, but in the past ten weeks he's been pain free and actually walking for exercise with his mother!  


Luke 17:17 "And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?"

Jesus healed the lepers and provided us with some important lessons:

1.They seized the moment!  Luke 17:13 says, "They lifted up their voices and said...Have mercy on us!"  DESPERATE people do DESPERATE things!  Who cares about appearances when you're dying? Jesus was passing by!  The most frightening thing that can happen to any of us is for Jesus to pass us by.  That's why they seized the moment, and cried out to Him.  You see, nobody can hear you like Jesus!

2. They had to "walk it out."  Their healing was not immediate - it was a PROCESS.  Luke 17:14 says, "As they went, they were cleansed."  Often, that's how it works!  It's not simply one step, but a relentless plowing through obstacles and insecurities until you get to your miracle!  But you appreciate it more when you have to "walk it out" day by day, depending on God!

3. Only one returned to give thanks.  That's why Jesus asked, "Where are the nine?" (Luke 17:17).  Were they too busy?  Too self-absorbed? Or just plain forgetful?  He said to the one who came back, "Thy faith hath made thee whole" (Luke 17:19).  You see, healing can be found in many places, but you can only become whole when you spend time daily with Jesus!

You want to know what a miracle is?  

Look in the mirror!  Go down to Wishard Hospital or take a trip to skid row and you'll realize how BLESSED you are!

Life isn't always fair, polite, kind or courteous...but The LORD is the LIFTER of your head and your HELP in the time of need!  

Instead of complaining about how life is treating you, how the church is treating you, how your family is treating you, how your pastors are treating you, how your job is treating you or how the government is treating you...REMEMBER how GOOD GOD HAS BEEN TO YOU!

Send up a PRAISE and allow the PROCESS to PERFECT you!

As we listened to Duke share his testimony - he POINTED us to JESUS!  He didn't share all the details of his PAIN, he shared the details of his PRAISE!

We become like the nine lepers, who didn't come back to say "thank you!" to Jesus, when we remain absorbed in our own lives, drama, hurts and feelings.  Start PRAISING the Lord for what He's already done in your life and you'll get a new sense of appreciation for the MIRACLES He's getting ready to do!