Tuesday, January 24, 2017

In Alignment, Out of Alignment

When you've been down the road enough, you become aware of patterns and behaviors. I've seen just about everything you can imagine & can usually discern which way the water is flowing. Although I can't read people's minds, their behaviors are pretty predictable.
I shared this morning, in our 2020 Leadership Class, that everything we do must come under the covering of our spiritual authority. (i.e., decisions, plans, intentions, etc.) It's not that God doesn't speak to you but He will use your spiritual authority to CONFIRM what He has already spoken. UNTIL THEN...you receive counsel, remain steadfast, unmoveable & abounding in the work of The Lord. (And you keep doing that regardless.)

However, we live in a culture (sadly, even in the church world) where people do WHAT they want, WHEN they want, the WAY they want...and THEN desire a "blessing" after the fact. It DOESN'T work that way.

In EVERY move I've made, whether it was in ministry, work, family, moves, major purchases, etc., I've sought counsel from my covering BEFORE I had discussions, made decisions or put one foot in front of the other. Nothing was done in secret. That's called total transparency and it can afford you the greatest BLESSING you've ever experienced.

The reason I feel so strongly about this is because I know it works. It's in order. It's in alignment and it speaks volumes of a submitted heart. I deeply desire the blessing of my leaders. Their covering is not only sustaining it's protecting.

The Scriptures teach us that "wisdom is in a multitude of counsel." Obviously, you can get the opinion of your family & your friends. But there's nothing like the voice of your spiritual authority - the same leadership you gave the right to speak into your life...in every area. The same people who have stood with you, prayed for you, interceded on your behalf & have spiritual insight & wisdom.

The same leader I needed when I was down...I need when I'm up. I cannot disregard their voice just because it's not what I want to hear.

May you always be found in spiritual alignment.