Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Dear Young Leader (Elijah/Elisha Mantle)

1. #DearYoungleader: Until you have carried another's MANDATE you are not ready to catch their MANTLE.

2. #DearYoungLeader: Elisha washed the hands that CARRIED the mantle long before he CAUGHT it.

3. #DearYoungLeader: Elijah doesn't throw you a party...he throws you a MANTLE.

4. #DearYoungLeader: A Mantle that is Not CAUGHT will never MULTIPLY.

5. #DearYoungLeader: Don't say you love me if you can see me being tag-teamed by devils & the only thing you can think of is will my mantle fall to you.

6. #DearYoungLeader: The MANTLE will not fall until the MOTIVES are right. Elijah never offered Elisha anything until he passed the test of departure.

7. #DearYoungLeader: Elijah had to see if Elisha would stay without SATISFACTION before he gave him a DOUBLE PORTION of his mantle.

8. #DearYoungLeader: The PLOW of PERSEVERANCE ushers in the MANTLE of PROMOTION.

9. #DearYoungLeader: The ANOINTING is the ability to DESTROY the YOKE. A MANTLE is the ability to CARRY an ASSIGNMENT.

10. #DearYoungLeader: Fathers impart MANTLES to Sons. With every generation, the level of RECEPTION is determined by the level of PURSUIT.