Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 8 Devotion 1-18-11

Blessing at Bethel

Genesis 28:16,22 “When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it…and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.’”

Today’s passage finds Jacob running from the consequences of his actions and falling asleep at a place called Bethel. While he was asleep, God revealed Himself to him in a personal way. It was then the God of his fathers became his personal God too.

Before we see how this destiny moment changed his perspective about giving, let’s look at the point where God showed up in Jacob’s life.

God reveals Himself when we are at the end of ourselves. Jacob’s scheming and trickery had brought him nothing but failure and rejection. When he stopped running and fell asleep at Bethel, he had nothing. It is when you are at the end of your rope God reveals Himself to you in a personal way.

God also reveals Himself when we are alone. God came to Moses when he was alone with his flocks in Midian. God came to Isaiah while he was alone in the temple praying. God uses our alone time to reveal Himself to us because that’s when He has our undivided attention.

Jacob was forever changed at Bethel. When God became personal to him, he immediately vowed to give God a tenth of everything. This personal encounter with God changed Jacob from a taker in life to a tither. Personal encounters with God result in changed lives.

Prayer Focus
Pray everyone touched by BFWC will experience a personal relationship with God, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Ask the Father how the giving of your time, talent, and treasures can reveal your personal faith in Him. Don’t wait to get to the end of your rope before you realize God is in control. Surrender now. Your life, your heart, your finances, your family, your church… It’s all His! 100%! Maybe you’re already at “Bethel.” When you wake up – look for God. He’ll meet you there!