Friday, January 7, 2011

Tithing...a Way of Life (Part 2)

Tithing is one the most important principles taught in the Bible. God has commanded each one of us to tithe, just as He has commanded us not to: kill, steal, bear false witness against our neighbor, and to keep the Sabbath holy. Just as there are no degrees of sin, (meaning sin is sin and a lie is the same as murder), tithing is no less important than the Ten Commandments.

We live in a “me first” society where greed is good and everyone looks out only for himself. We have forgotten that God commands us to put Him first, including in our finances.

Tithing is not a "get rich scheme" or even a "get out of debt" formula.  However, I would be willing to say that the number one reason God's people aren't debt free today is because they are robbing God of the small portion that He asks.

Everything on earth and in heaven already belong to God and all that He requires from us is a mere 10%.  The manifestation of God's blessings cannot come to your house if you are robbing God.

Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule?  That's where 20% of the people of the people in any given congregation pulls 80% of the load.  In other words, even though tithing is taught by every major denomination and  most every independent church in America, most Christians, by far, do not tithe or give offerings.

Tithe simply means "a tenth."  The word tithe equals ten.   Some people say they give 20% tithes or 8% tithes.  However, that is impossible because a tithe, by definition, equals TEN.  Anything more than 10% is not a tithe, it is an offering.  Anything less than 10% is not a tithe, it's disobedience.

The Bible also uses terms such as First Fruit.  This refers to the tithe as a first fruit, a first thing, a firstling and a first law.  This is what God expects from each of us.  He wants your tithe to be the first fruit of your increase, not the second, third, fourth or fifth of your increase.  Tithing requires FAITH.

Question:  "Should I tithe on the gross income or the net income?"
Answer:  Gross amount.

There are two reasons for this.  One, the gross amount is your increase.  Two, what kind of blessing do you want?  Do you want God to withhold a part of your blessing just as you withheld a part of His tithe?  The answer to that question is NO.

Everybody would say that they want the complete and full blessings of God - the best that He has.  So why do God's people withhold their best from God?  It is not God's problem that the government does not trust you and takes out its part before you receive it.  We are to tithe on the gross.

Question:  "What if someone else gives me money or I find money on the ground?"
Answer: You tithe on that amount because that is added to your INCREASE.

Anything that God gives
increase on, you tithe on.

Leviticus 27:30-31 And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD's:  It is holy unto the LORD.  And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes, he shall add thereto the fifth part thereof.

Verse 30 says everything belongs to the Lord.  Surely we can see the fairness in this verse.  Since God has created everything that exists and everything belongs to Him, it seems very generous that He allows us to keep 90% and only requires us the first 10% (the first 10% of everything).

Some people would say, "I believe it's all mine.  I worked hard for my money and I don't believe I have to give any of it to God."  Friend, if the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, then, unless He gives it to us, what really belongs to us?

If God wanted to, He could charge a price for the air you breathe, the house that you live in or the sunlight that keeps you warm.  Would you like to be billed monthly or annually?  What do you think would be a fair price for air or life?

Another part of this verse is quite unique.  It says not only is the tithe UNTO the Lord, but that "it is HOLY..." 

Holy means separated unto God.  Holiness is more than just the perceived "no make-up and long dresses..." rules of men.   Holiness has to do with our CONDUCT and BEHAVIOR.  There will be plenty of people with no make-up and long dresses in Hell.  The bottom line is this:  holiness is being in total agreement with God, having one MIND with God, and submitting to the WILL of God.

More to come on HOLINESS in respect to tithing.