Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Awaken The Eagle Spirit Within You!

There is probably nothing more majestic than seeing an eagle soar through the air.  It is literally the king of the sky as it soars majestically through the air. 
Eagles appear to never have a bad day.  However, eagles can become exhausted and drained just like us.  Some days are good...some days are bad. 

We all have those kinds of days, even weeks, where we feel like we're barely hanging on, losing control or questioning our future.  They could best be described as "immobilizing" times. 

The truth is, all of us have felt like this at some point in our life.  There are moments in life that MAKE us and moments in life that BREAK us.  Friends...this is NORMAL

We get through those times when we awaken the "eagle spirit" within us.  When an eagle gets tired, it heads to a high cliff to rest and renew it's strength.

Not all birds face storms like eagles do.  Most birds will seek shelter in a tree or a bush when a storm approaches.  Not the eagle.  It will FACE THE STORM head on!  It will fly into the face of the storm and use the winds of the storm as stepping stones to climb higher and higher till it eventually rises ABOVE the storm. 

Facing the storm takes COURAGE and STRENGTH.  We too must do the same.  Sure, the winds will almost knock you down and create hesitation to our forward motion...but it's only momentary if we decide to press on!

We are either being "defined" by our odds or we are "defying" the odds!

How we perceive the storm will determine how we face it.  Look in the Scriptures and you'll see men and women who defied the odds and rose above the storm.  David brought down a "big" giant because he perceived a giant that was TOO BIG TO MISS.  Esther saved her people from a Jewish holocaust because she perceived FAVOR would be granted with her FAITH.

I have often said, "God is doing a work IN me so He can do a work THROUGH me."  When we allow God to do a completed work within us we are filled with faith to rise above even the biggest hurricane! 

Prayer Focus:

Consider what challenges you've already overcome.  Evaluate what you learned through the process.  With that in mind, you'll be better prepared to rise to the next level when faced with your next challenge.

I believe one of the best ways to face a storm is to examine it rather than explode into anxiety.  An eagle will find a high place to rest while "reading the wind."  By carefully examining the wind, the eagle determines the right moment to engage it.  When the moment is right, the eagle merely has to spread it's wings and the wind will carry it upward with rapid ease.

Two things are neededPreparation and Opportunity!  One thing is certain...the winds of this world will never stop blowing.  The key is learning to use the wind to your advantage to carry you above your current situation to a higher level.

Awaken the eagle spirit in you!