Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Integrity...Is It Really Necessary? (Part 3)

Who are you?  Who are you really?

We discover our real identity when we come to grips with who we are on the inside.  Until we know who we are on the inside, our outside (image) is nothing more than a projected shell.

Is it possible to project an image for the world to see while being opposite on the inside?  Yes.  That's why it's so important to have your inside rooted to a strong character.  

Strong character will produce lasting fruit and longevity in leadership.  Strong character is a result of personal discipline. (Personal Integrity)

Are you disciplined? 

We consist of three parts:  body, soul and spirit.  A believer must live out of their spirit.  In doing so, our flesh has no choice but to obey.  A lack of discipline in our life comes from a decision to live from our flesh instead of our spirit. 

Personal discipline affects multiple areas of our life including our habits: grooming, diet, exercise, rest, study, finances and thoughts.  Integrity affects all of these areas in our life.
  • Grooming - Shabby or sharp?  We are in a day where casual is accepted more and more.  However, Christians shouldn't be the shabbiest person in the room.
  • Diet, Exercise and Rest - Respecting your temple in how you feed it, use it and maintain it.
  • Study - Reading is vital for a leader.  However, in this electronic age we must guard our hearts from Satan's snares.
  • Finances - credit rating, savings plan, learn how to say to "no" to additional debt, etc.
  • Thoughts - Keep your mind true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable.  (Philippians 4:8)
Personal integrity is born in the practices of personal discipline.