Thursday, December 10, 2015

From Now On!

Perhaps you've thought about reasons to STOP because you can't think of a reason to CONTINUE.  My must think of a reason to START OVER!

There's a difference in GIVING up and STARTING over.  Your new beginning has to begin with the words "FROM NOW ON..."

  • FROM NOW ON ... Choose to let the things you cannot control GO!
    Honestly, most of things in your life today are there because you keep thinking about them.  To get the POSITIVE...often you have to distance yourself from the NEGATIVE.  Stop clinging to the memory of what HURTS and make room for what HEALS.  Refuse to let what is out of your control interfere with all the things you can control.

  • FROM NOW ON ... Choose to REJOICE rather than REGRET! Whatever has happened was FOR you not TO you. I believe that God is working ALL THINGS for your good. God is working these things at His SCHEDULE and I've learned that He is seldom early but never late. Friend, for everything you LOSE, you GAIN something else.

  • FROM NOW ON ... Choose to REST and REJOICE!
    Jesus chose to retreat to the mountain after He learned of the death of John the Baptist. Strength isn't about bearing a cross of grief it's about choosing your path and learning from the experience. Friend, regardless of the MESS that people may try to put you through...continue to do your BEST!  The good news is that the experience has taught you WHAT NOT TO DO as well as what to do.

  • FROM NOW ON ... Choose to take RISKS!
    Changes aren't easy and can sometimes be scary. But do you know what's even scarier? REGRET. I've learned that most of your fears are bigger in your mind than they are in reality.  Friend, don't let fear stop you! Face it and move on! Live your life so that you never have to regret the chances you never took, the love you never let in, and the gifts you never gave out!

  • FROM NOW ON ... Choose to keep CLIMBING!
    How do you get to the top of a mountain? One step at a time!  Good things come to those who WORK for them!  You gain confidence and strength with every experience in which you truly PUSH yourself to do something you didn't think you could do! As long you're standing in the place of "in-between", unable to or unwilling to move forward, you'll never see the VIEW from the top!

  • FROM NOW ON ... Choose to SMILE through the STRUGGLE!
    Nothing is more beautiful and powerful than a smile that has struggled through the tears!  Don't regret your TIME, even the moments that were filled with HURT!  Choose to SMILE because you have learned from it and gained the strength to rise ABOVE it. In the end, it's not what you have been through that defines who you's how you GOT THROUGH IT that has made you the person you are today, and the person you are capable of being tomorrow!
Believe are STRONGER because of the STRUGGLE!  What you went through PREPARED you for the PROMOTION you're now enjoying.