Monday, December 25, 2017

Pastor Commits Suicide

"Pastor Silva was the Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Brazil. Before he did, he stated the following:
“It does not matter what you do for them, they will never thank you, it does not matter that you put off your family by surrendering to them, it is your duty to say, and they will criticize you because you prefer your family or because you postpone them. Because you pray, because you help the needy, because you were not there for their birthdays, etc. People will always forget everything you do for them, they will get angry with you, take their family and leave the church without telling you "goodbye, much less thank you.”The ministry hurts, it hurts, you live in loneliness and constant depression People do not care about their pastor, nor about what can happen to him or suffering He may be put through, if you get sick they will say that you are in sin, if you do badly in the finances they will say that you mismanage the money, if you have conflicts in the marriage they will say that you are not a good priest of your home, if people leave they will say that it is your fault, if your children deviate they will say that your children are demons or that’s the kind of father you are. It is always the fault of the pastor. Nobody cares about their life or their needs.”

This is likely why the apostle Paul instructed his spiritual son Timothy, “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.” 1 Timothy 5:17

Unfortunately, Pastors are also human. May this precious brother find rest in His father’s arms. My heart breaks for his family. 
- Mario Gonzalez"


You can try, but you can’t help everyone. Some will exhaust your resources & then act like you didn’t do enough for them as they move on to their next watering hole. But eventually they’ll drain that place & those relationships dry, too.

It’ll never be enough, no matter the person or place, until they fix what’s broken inside them.

Sadly, they’ll damage a lot of people in the process, trying to justify themselves & project their perceived need to find the “right” thing for them.

They’ll use you till they’ve drained you dry & then have bogus complaints to try & justify their actions.

When you’re dealing with this kind of spirit, don’t take things personal. People who carry offense & disinterest will find fault with everyone & everything, once the newness wears off.

Determine to help everyone, but know when you’re being taken advantage of & refuse to allow yourself to give unlimited access that you once graciously provided. Your attention is needed with those who are committed to maturity & development.

Jesus hand picked His disciples. Even Judas. He knew what was in his heart & what he would do, but He loved him anyways. You can love someone, but that doesn’t mean you have to go along with their bad choices & decisions.

I’m connected to Pastors & Leaders all around this country who are facing & dealing with hardships from two things: PERSONALITIES & PRINCIPALITIES. I do my best to encourage them...because, truly, only another Pastor can identify the load they carry trying to help people.

A 3 Gift Christmas

The GIFTS the “wise men” gave to Jesus represented:
1) Gold = VALUE (Kingship)
2) Frankincense = SPIRITUAL (Deity)
3) Myrrh = PRACTICAL (‬Death)

At Christmas, we find ourselves expressing our continual LOVE for family & friends through the giving of tangible gifts. Like the “wise men”, we give much CONSIDERATION to the purpose of each gift as well as to the COST.

While it’s always with good intentions to “bless” our family & friends with gifts, we have a tendency to buy more than what’s really needed or necessary.

What if we held to a THREE GIFT CHRISTMAS for our kids (even our adult family & friends) that modeled the gifts the “wise men” gave Jesus?

1) GOLD - something our kids “value” or desire. Depending on their age, it can be a toy, etc.; something that is precious to them. (Have fun with this gift, but don’t go overboard.)

2. FRANKINCENSE - something that aids in their “spiritual” development. As parents, it is our job to teach our children the ways of the Lord (Deuteronomy 6). A 5 yr old probably won’t enjoy a commentary on the book of Revelation... but, perhaps this kind of gift can be: a nativity of their own, a worship CD, devotional, Bible, etc. (Be creative.)

3. MYRRH - something that is “practical”. Things they will use everyday (i.e.: clothes, perfume, cologne, shoes, etc.) Myrrh was used as a medicinal item. This gift symbolizes something for the body. It is believed that the “wise men” brought this gift to Jesus in preparation for His death.

It seems odd to give like this, because we’ve been influenced through marketing & traditions to over spend & be excessive. But, what if?

Whatever you do, keep in mind the meaning & purpose of the GIFTS that the “wise men” gave to Jesus. Share this with your children & family during your memory making moments.

Merry Christmas & much love!
Russell & Beverly Hylton

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Storms - Five Things

1. One WORD from Jesus can CALM even the most devastating storm! When He speaks storms don't last! #PeaceBeStill
2. Never let the storms OUTSIDE you overcome the peace INSIDE you! #PeaceBeStill
3. There are storms that impact your DESTINATION and storms that impact your PEACE. Discern the difference. #PeaceBeStill
4. By the Grace of God, we've all SURVIVED storms. Some were torna-woes & others were major life-quakes. What's your storm story? #PeaceBeStill
5. Some storms won't cease until you COMMAND them to. #PeaceBeStill

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Stronger - Five Things

1. You're STRONGER than you think. You'll never be tested beyond your ability. So change your strategy. LEAN on The Lord more.
2. The Angel told Gideon, "Go in your strength & you will save Israel." He was telling Gideon, "You're STRONGER than you think."
3. The attack will pass & you'll breathe again. One day you'll realize that this wasn't a was the road to a STRONGER you!

4. Never interpret God’s Love for you by the way people treat you. His LOVE is deeper, draws you closer & makes you STRONGER.
5. STRENGTH is not measured in days of PROSPERITY, but in days of ADVERSITY. If you survived yesterday's attack, you're STRONGER than you think!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Personalities & Principalities - Five Things

1. We’re dealing with two major things today in ministry: PERSONALITIES & PRINCIPALITIES.
2. We ALL have a PERSONALITY (The totality of an individual's behavioral & emotional characteristics.) Personality that REFUSES to be MODIFIED by the Fruit Of The Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) loses its influence to LEAD or be LED.
3. We don’t all have to BE alike or LOOK alike. However, when we have JESUS in us, we should ACT like He did. Don’t tell me you speak in tongues, but you still pop your neck at folks & are continually RUDE to people! Your version of the Holy Ghost needs an upgrade.

4. PRINCIPALITIES are demon spirits assigned against governments & leaders at every level. That's why God calls us to PRAY for LEADERS.
5. Seems to me that Pastors have to deal with more “junk” today IN the church than OUT of the church, because we are dealing with PRINCIPALITIES & POWERS (Ephesians 6:12). God can't DELIVER you from anything that you conveniently blame others for. OWN it to DETHRONE it!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Emotional - 5 Things

1. Because you got EMOTIONAL doesn't mean you got DELIVERED. You're only delivered if you're FREE when emotions wear off.
2. The real question is: Can you do the PRACTICAL when trying to act so SPIRITUAL? If it’s the real Holy Ghost in you, you’ll be able to act right & do right on the daily; NOT just in church...when you’re “going in”. If you can’t “go in” when it’s Monday & there’s no organ, screaming, hoopin or chill/thrill bumps...then you’re not yet spiritually mature#StopFronting

3. Mental & emotional INSTABILITY makes a relationship very difficult. Cute & crazy is a volatile combination. Be prayerful yoking up with brother or sister coo-coo...they’ll have you crazy for coco puffs, too!
4. Before you get worked up because people are speaking ill of you, consider WHO they are. Consider their spiritual/mental/emotional state. Hurting people hurt people. Healed people heal people. Know what spirit you’re dealing with.
5. Don't spiritualize EMOTIONAL things. Just because you FEEL something doesn't mean God is SAYING something. I meet people all the time who have to have a “FEELING” to survive. The same people live life on a roller coaster of emotions. Up & & & there! Nothing can satisfy them & even Jesus can’t Pastor them. #shewwww
When we know better, we should do better.


I've lived long enough to know that God is a God of ORDER. When we're out-of-order over HERE...we'll be out-of-order over THERE. God DON'T & WON'T bless a mess. If I want to be successful moving forward, my HISTORY can't be a MYSTERY if I’m trying to get to my DESTINY.
When we are IN ORDER, we will be TRANSPARENT with our whereabouts, dropouts, hideouts, layouts, hangouts & sellouts. God doesn't operate in the darkness...but rather in the light. You can't claim God's WILL when you leave things unfulFILLED.

• I can't have a ministry, if I'm not under a ministry.
• I can't walk in God's economy, when I'm not tithing to my storehouse.
• I can't be in leadership, if I can't submit to leadership.
• It's not about being controlled by man, it's about being submitted to whom He delegates.
To fix the SYMPTOMS, you have to deal with the ROOTS. Cut it out & you'll see how many years the issue has been present by the length of the roots. For some, it may go all the way back to childhood, disobedience, ancestry or even recently. #checktheroots
Four LEADERSHIP BOOKS that have been LIFE changing to me:
1. God's Armor Bearer - Terry Nance
2. Undercover - John Bevere
3. The Bait of Satan - John Bevere
4. A Tail Of Three Kings - Gene Edwards

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Stop Prostituting Your Gifts & Talents

pros•ti•tute: put (oneself or one's talents) to an unworthy or corrupt use or purpose for the sake of personal or financial gain.

1. Never prostitute your call (trying to sell your gift to the highest bidder).

2. Never go to a person or a place that is willing to give you big money/offerings, because of your gifts/abilities. ONLY go because it is an assignment by God.

3. Never refuse to go to a place that God is telling you to go, simply because they cannot afford to pay your price, for a gift & calling that you cannot operate without God.

4. Stop feeding your pride by playing on your gifts.

5. The spirit of humility will be one of your greatest assets.

6. As long as you are humble, God will continue to use & elevate you if you are FAITHFUL!

7. You're not entitled or owed anything. You're blessed to even be breathing.

8. Yield, obey, remain humble, accountable & stay under authority.

9. Don't seek recognition by puffing your abilities & testimonies from others, in order to get an engagement or some type of recognition.

10. When you have a Godly fear (reverential fear of the Lord), you'll want to please Him more than yourself.

If you can't do the EASY thing where you'll never be able to handle the HARD thing somewhere else. You must MASTER your flesh, emotions, issues & baggage. God wants to USE you for HIS glory...not yours.

"As I have walked the world—a tramp for the Lord—I have learned a few lessons in God’s great classroom.” - Corrie Ten Boom

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Dear Young Leader (Elijah/Elisha Mantle)

1. #DearYoungleader: Until you have carried another's MANDATE you are not ready to catch their MANTLE.

2. #DearYoungLeader: Elisha washed the hands that CARRIED the mantle long before he CAUGHT it.

3. #DearYoungLeader: Elijah doesn't throw you a party...he throws you a MANTLE.

4. #DearYoungLeader: A Mantle that is Not CAUGHT will never MULTIPLY.

5. #DearYoungLeader: Don't say you love me if you can see me being tag-teamed by devils & the only thing you can think of is will my mantle fall to you.

6. #DearYoungLeader: The MANTLE will not fall until the MOTIVES are right. Elijah never offered Elisha anything until he passed the test of departure.

7. #DearYoungLeader: Elijah had to see if Elisha would stay without SATISFACTION before he gave him a DOUBLE PORTION of his mantle.

8. #DearYoungLeader: The PLOW of PERSEVERANCE ushers in the MANTLE of PROMOTION.

9. #DearYoungLeader: The ANOINTING is the ability to DESTROY the YOKE. A MANTLE is the ability to CARRY an ASSIGNMENT.

10. #DearYoungLeader: Fathers impart MANTLES to Sons. With every generation, the level of RECEPTION is determined by the level of PURSUIT.

Friday, November 3, 2017

You Need A Spiritual Father / Mother

1. Fathers have the ability to speak ORDER into CHAOS.
2. Fathers EXPECT effort, efficiency & extra from their sons. They are willing to model & provide the same.
3. A father/mother will LOVE you enough to CORRECT you when you’re out of order. If you cannot or will not receive guidance or correction from them, then you don’t belong to them.
4. I would not be where I am without mentors, coaches, FATHERS & MOTHERS.
5. I NEVER dishonor or disrespect my spiritual or natural father by dismissing their phone call or text. A lack of response, disregarded or delayed, reveals my heart.
6. You don’t have to have a FAMOUS spiritual father/mother to have an EFFECTIVE spiritual father/mother. You just need someone who’s willing to GUIDE, GUARD & GOVERN your life.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

There's Always A Rainbow After The Storm

I'm prophesying this over someone RIGHT NOW...including myself:

The STORM clouds of your situation are ushering in the RAINBOW of your REVELATION! It's time to discern the difference between a SEASON and a STORM. Don't be fooled by a passing cloud! Regardless of the problem, storm, diagnosis, setback, failure, letdown, or pain--declare, "My GOD is BIGGER than this situation!"

When I was 10 years old, I used to sing this song in my local church, the Uniontown Church of God. I didn't know much about "storms" when I was 10. I hadn't really been through anything at 10. But what I sang back then is REAL to my SOUL today.

I dedicate this to anyone that may be facing something in your life.

(Author Unknown)

The storm clouds may gather, some rain drops may fall.
There might be some heartaches & there might be some toil.
But I hear Jesus saying, “Child don't be alarmed.
For there’s always a rainbow right after a storm.”

Oh there’s always a rainbow right after a storm.
So there’s really no reason to be a all alarmed.
I can hear Jesus saying, “Child just lean on my arm.
For there’s always a rainbow, right after a storm."

When trouble surrounds you & your blessings seem few,
When it looks like that others are blessed more than you.
Just look up & praise Jesus, cause He really loves you.
Press on weary pilgrim & He’ll see you through!

Christians Don't Drink Alcohol

Christians don't drink alcohol. We should shun a devilish walk!

Romans 13:13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Is The Mid-Week Church Service Important?

Unfortunately, many churches that once had a Mid-Week Service or “Call to Worship” have eliminated the Mid-Week Service altogether, mostly due to low attendance. Here at Bethel Family Worship Center we still have a Mid-Week Service because we still believe that it is important.

Why is it important?  Isn’t meeting together once a week on Sunday Mornings enough, some may ask? I’m skeptical. I realize that some may work beyond service time on Wednesdays and are unable to attend. The same is true for Sunday Mornings, not everyone can attend a Sunday Morning Service due to required work, which is one of the reasons a Mid-Week Service is vital.

Other reasons that I think Mid-Week Service is important are:

1. When we look at church practice in the Bible we see that the early church met together regularly, most likely more than once a week, and as they did, it grew the church.

For example in Acts 2:42 it says “They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” And in Acts 2:46-47 “Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

2. The writer of Hebrews exhorts the Christian “not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together which is the habit of some but rather to encourage one another and all the more as we see the day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:25)

Attending the Mid-Week Service is a way that we can follow this exhortation and encourage one another as we see the day of the of the rapture of the Church & the return of our Lord, Jesus Christ drawing near.

3. Attending Sunday Morning Services is good but the Christian is called to excellence.

Philippians 1:10 says “approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ…”

How excellent would it be for the church if the Mid-Week Service was as well attended as the Sunday Morning Service? How would God respond? How would the surrounding community respond?

4. What about a new Christian who attends our church?

All Christians need to be discipled and learn the Word of God, especially new believers. However, if they come out to the Mid-Week Service and see that it is not very well attended, what impression does it give them?

These are a just some of the reasons why I think the Mid-Week Service is important. Having said these things, I am not saying that attendance is a sign of righteousness or spirituality, or even spiritual maturity. Our righteousness is in Christ alone. We gather together as His church to worship Him, to wait on Him to build up His body (the church) for the work of the ministry, to impact the community, and all for His glory.

Join us on Wednesdays at 7pm for Worship, Bible Study & Prayer at 24 S Lynhurst Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46241

Hungry for more,

Pastor Hylton