Sunday, November 27, 2011

Courage to Do the Will of God

One of the more difficult aspects of God's will is not so much KNOWING as much as it is DOING it!

God's will require some risks.  When you look at history some incredible men and women took GREAT RISKS.  However, they were CALCULATED risks...not foolish ones.

Great courage has great PAYOFFS...

  • Christopher Columbus' voyage to the new world...
  • USA's voyage to the moon...
  • Paul's ministry to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles...
  • Jesus' ministry...
  • Gideon's call to fight with only 300 men against a huge army...
It takes GUTS to do God's will.
It takes COURAGE.
You will never do anything for God if you don't have COURAGE to take some risks.

What is a CALCULATED RISK? Answer: a chance taken after careful estimation of the probable outcome.

Nehemiah was a man who took a CALCULATED RISK. His story is AWESOME!

Nine Steps to Build Courage
  1. Brokenness
    • Nehemiah's heart is broken as he learns about his beloved city...Jerusalem.
    • He begins to weep and fast. (The burden was so was unimportant.)
    • Brokenness is the FOUNDATION to build courage upon.
  2. Humility
    • His brokenness generates a personal prayer, but not for the release of his pain, but for forgiveness for himself and his nation.
    • Humility births ownership of ones actions.  It would have been easy for Nehemiah to blame his brethren for all the misery...but he starts with himself...he does not blame others.
    • He prayed until he felt a RESOLVE within his own spirit.
    • When I was growing up, we called that "praying till you pray through."
    • He doesn't have an answer to the problem...but he's on track when he begins to pray.
    • Sometimes prayer is NOT for an answer but to prepare us to BE THE ANSWER.
  3. Trusting Him
    • Fortunately, Nehemiah knows God's Word and knows the faithfulness of God!
    • Nehemiah knew God's character and that He was trustworthy.
    • He reminds God of His promise to restore the remnant of His people.
  4. Hope
    • After reminding himself of God's faithfulness, Nehemiah feels enough courage to ask of God for an answer.  But notice this...his request includes his own willingness to be the CHANNEL used by God.
  5. Availability
    • While he's asking God for help he is preparing himself to be used if needed.
    • It's not enough to ask God for help if you are unwilling to be used if He calls you.
    • Nehemiah was available.
    • He was in a place of servanthood to the King but he understood REAL KINGDOM AUTHORITY as he functioned in his role as the King's cupbearer.
    • Although Nehemiah recognized who he was in Christ, he is not disrespectful of the position of the earthly King.
    • His request was for God to give him favor as a SIMPLE CUPBEARER to an earthly King.
  6. Creative Solutions
    • When God calls you to minister He often uses you right where you are already, including the skills you already have.
    • As a servant, he couldn't speak to the King until the King spoke to him.
    • However, the king had to look him in the eye every time he served him his cup...and one can look very concerned and sad and it would be noticed because this would be the UNUSUAL look of Nehemiah.
    • Had Nehemiah been like many Christians today who walk around more like the Devil has won most of the time, the King might not of noticed his sadness and said to himself..."Well, I see old Nehemiah is having another one of those pouting spells."
    • The reason the King would notice is because this sad look was NOT common for Nehemiah. 
  7. Honesty with Durability
    • It's good to know that Nehemiah was a lot like us.  
    • It's OK to be scared and be honest about it...BUT DON'T QUIT!
    • Nehemiah is given an opportunity to speak directly to the King.  This is CRUCIAL...would his courage hold out?
    • Notice this...Nehemiah is polite...because courage doesn't mean DEMANDING.
    • Nehemiah explains the honesty of his sadness, his concern over the brokenness of Jerusalem. 
    • He faced his fear honestly, but he didn't give in to it.
  8. Preparedness 
    • The King asks Nehemiah what it was that he wanted...and Nehemiah has a PLANNED RESPONSE.
    • Nehemiah was planning for SUCCESS not FAILURE...even though he was afraid.
    • This was the moment he had been waiting for.
    • Having courage to do something for God does not mean just sitting back and waiting for God to let you know what to do, some people would say this is so much more spiritual, but it can also be very foolish.
    • Nehemiah had made plans...specific requests...he had thought of everything humanly possible...good plans.
    • He didn't just respond..."Well, however the Lord leads me"...this can be proper as a response some times, but not always.
  9. Acknowledging God in the Process
    • Nehemiah doesn't pat himself on the back.
    • Promotion to leadership comes best through servanthood.
    • Courage had only gotten Nehemiah past the first stage, he would need to have a great deal of it to finish the course God had called him to.
    • When you set out to do the will of God in your life don't be shocked by PROBLEMS, they will be right there with you.
    • If you lose courage you'll QUIT!
    • Nehemiah refuses to quit even though he encounters SANBALLAT and TOBIAH...both who were a great source of opposition to him.
The bottom line:  If you are going to do anything for God you are going to need COURAGE!  No one finds GREAT REWARDS that didn't take COURAGE over GREAT RISKS!  The first stage of accomplishing the will of God in your life is COURAGE!

It takes GUTS to do God's will!