- There's a well of living water on the inside of every born-again believer.
- It's not the Lord's fault if we're hungry and thirsty.
- It's not time to ask Him to come and touch us.
- It's time for us to start taking, eating and drinking of what He's already given!

I'm not saying there's no place for a Christian to ever have problems or discouragement, or that we should always be perfect and just deny reality.
- Believers do experience hunger in the sense that they feel empty and God seems like a million miles away.
- But when we experience that, it's bad taste to approach Him saying, "Oh Lord, I just don't feel Your love. Please love me. Do something to show me You care!"
- We might as well have said, "God, You haven't done anything," because we're blaming Him for our feelings of emptiness and hunger.
We've learned through the Scriptures that God loves us infinitely more than we can ever comprehend or need.
- He can't love me more or give me any more love than what I already have.
- Knowing this will keep me out of depression and discouragement!
There have been times when such feelings are tempting.
- I've had issues and terrible things happen, just like anybody else.
- I've even had thoughts like, "Man, just get in your truck and drive. Don't ever come back! I can't stand it anymore. Just walk away!"
- Although I've had these thoughts, I don't give in to them, because I also have a revelation that God loves me and has already provided everything I need.
So instead of giving in to hunger, discouragement and despair, I remind myself of God's Word.
- I don't say, "Lord, that's the way it is. Now You must do something brand new to touch me. I'm looking for something else from You!"
- That would be an insult against what He's already done.
Instead, I pray,
- "Father, this is absolutely wrong. John 6:35 says that I should never hunger or thirst again. I know that on the inside of me there is so much love, joy and peace - all the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23) Everything I need is already there. So, Father, I know that You have done Your part. It's not Your fault if I'm tempted with depression, discouragement, giving up and quitting. It's my fault. I'm not focused on You. I've let my eyes be taken off of You and put on the problems of this world."
I'll just separate myself and spend a day or so fasting, praying and seeking God.
- What I'm doing is MINING what the Lord has already placed within me.
- Instead of asking Him to give me something new, I draw out the life that He's already given.
That's why depression has no hold on us!
- I've been tempted with depression.
- I've had feelings of depression start to hit me.
- But within ten or fifteen minutes, I just decide that I don't like depression and refuse to have it.
- God has given me such joy inside that I can choose to rejoice at all times. (Philippians 4:4)