To REFORM something, in essence, means: to bring about a change in something in order to improve it.
- Do we need to improve the way we are conducting ministry in the church, as it pertains to our function of the father/son model and Apostolic covering?
- Are we locked into old wine skins and antiquated systems that are hindering our ability to plant churches, lead with autonomy, network with likeminded leaders and experience relational Kingdom growth?
- Where is the BRIDGE of relationship that affords creativity and connection?
- Why does there seem to be suspicion and frowns from colleagues, when new models of ministry are discovered and found to be functional, healthy and life giving?
I am of the persuasion that when ministry and mission are hampered by dysfunctional tensions resulting from out of balance and out of touch mindsets...it's time to consider whether our incompatibilities can be reconciled in time or does there need to be a jettison in affiliation.
Likeminded leaders want to partner
with likeminded leaders.
with likeminded leaders.
I'm committed to RELATIONSHIPS more than RITUALS and REGULATIONS. What attracts me to my particular fellowship is the COVENANT relationships I'm afforded. I'm not going anywhere...I'm all in.
However, there have been times when ridiculous tensions have left me drained and in a brief moment of aggravation, I've considered saying "hasta la vista baby!" I've learned that a HUMBLE ATTITUDE combined with the common goals of church planting, kingdom advancement, relational connection and leadership development have served to bring unity when the potential for discord was clearly evident.
It is my responsibility to do the best I can to work with ALL PEOPLE. God didn't call me to be at war...He called me to walk in GRACE, LOVE and DIGNITY...steering clear from all areas of strife.
I'm persuaded that God is raising up INNOVATIVE PASTORS and LEADERS who aren't running from their denominational fellowships...but are committed to staying and allowing REFORMATION and RELATIONSHIP the time needed to turn the tide!
For denominational transformation to take place, a close look at the health and factors that have caused separation must be examined to discover where REFORM is still needed.
More to come...