Thursday, February 6, 2014

Just Be You

Who are you? God created you in His image and after His likeness. (Genesis 1:26-27)  When you understand WHOSE you are then you understand WHO you are.

  • The Bible tells us in John 3:27 "John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven."

Why is it that we allow the opinions of others control us?  It seems that society is focused on gaining the approval of what everyone else thinks about them. 

Have you ever considered how much "THEY" control your life?  How often have you said, "Well, you know what THEY say?"  

You see, "THEY" set the standard, and we wear it...or do it!  And while that may be fine in some areas, it's not when it comes to your life's direction.

  • Jesus said, "If the son...[makes you free men] are...unquestionably free" (John 8:36 AMP).

That means...

  1. Free from the pressure of others' expectations.
  2. Free to be who God has called you to be.
  3. Free to look to Him for answers instead of running to other people.

Look at
John 3:27 again..."A man must be content to receive the gift which is given him from heaven" (AMP).

Maybe your background has been a contributor to INSECURITY.  Perhaps you've over compensated the insecurity with competitiveness, and comparing yourself to others.  Perhaps you're jealous of other people's possessions, abilities and accomplishments.  Perhaps you've found yourself trying to keep up with certain people - or to be just like them. As a result, you've become frustrated because you've ended up operating outside of what God has called you to be.  In other words, you've not been yourself.

When we finally realize that we can only be who God has ordained for us to be, we can begin to say, "I am who I am.  I can't be anything other than who God has called me to be.  So, I'm going to concentrate on being the best 'ME' that I can be."