1 - John the Beloved
3 - Peter, James & John
12 - Disciples
70 - Sent out two by two
Multitude - Followed Him everywhere He went
Each level of relationship had its own lateral & vertical depth.
LEADERSHIP (i.e., mentorship, coaching, Father/Son connection, etc.) is much the same. (1, 3, 12, 70, Multitude, etc.) ... not in matters of hierarchy but in matters of relational equity.
Relational equity = a relationship in which time and emotional investment has been made that renders an increased value from which to draw.
As a Pastor, I have relationships with many people. However, I would have to say that each relationship is different based upon the individual. I guess it could be called “tiered” in some aspects. I have relationships with my staff, ministry leaders, volunteers, parishioners and acquaintances. The development of each is a process which requires trust, time and shared interests.
The key is knowing how to effectively lead each level. These relationships can be modified over time. However, the principles of how you interact with each remain the same.
Where you SIT determines what you GET.