Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day Twelve - January 22, 2012

The way up is down.  If you would stand tall in God's Kingdom, you must learn to be on your face before Him.  The Lord's way is exactly the opposite of the world's way.  We can have a room full of flow charts...but ultimately...God's way means:  The "higher up" you go, the more people you have the opportunity of serving.  

The creator of the universe, Almighty God, girded Himself with a towel (John 13), knelt down and did the work of a slave by washing His disciples' feet.  Are we greater than our master?

Ministry means service.  It means opening your eyes and seeing what needs done and doing it.  It means that we consider no task to be too low or common. If it needs it...don't let others do it yourself.  If there's trash, pick it up.  If a light's out, change it.  If the nursery is short of help, serve!

Motivated by love for God's people, it is our calling to serve them.  Some people aspire to ministry but won't lift a finger to help out in practical ways.  Others are willing to help if you specifically tell them what to do.  Both can be irritating.  A true minister is a servant, a voluntary daily slave of the people, he sees what needs done and does it.  The fields are white unto harvest, but the laborers are few.  The self appointed clergymen who wants prestige are many, but workers, laborers, true servants are few.  That's what Jesus said to pray for more of.  

You never outgrow service.  It's not something you do until the church is big enough to get others to do it.  The greatest in the Kingdom is the servant of all.

Lord, I know You have called me to serve.  Thank You for calling me and thank You for seeing fit to place me in the ministry.  My life is in Your hands.  I do not carry an "entitlement spirit."  Everything I am and everything I hope to be is in Your hand and at Your discretion.  Help me to remain teachable, tender hearted and willing to do Your every wish. In Jesus' name.  Amen.