Saturday, June 22, 2024

10 Types of Yard Sale Shoppers

Today, I think I've discovered that there are 10 types of Yard Sale shoppers:

1) THE EARLY SHOPPER: They show up early in the morning & are willing to pay full price to get the treasures (or junk) they want before anyone else can.

2. THE MOSEY SHOPPER: They aren't really looking for anything in particular but they like to talk a lot & see other people's houses while examining the landscape & items in your garage.

3. THE END OF THE DAY SHOPPER: They hope to get low ball deals because they know you don't want to carry all that stuff back into your house.

4. THE CHECK WRITING SHOPPER: They don't carry cash & they think you're going to feel pressured to accept their check because you're desperate for a sale, in the heat of the day.

5. THE RESALE SHOPPER: They are always on the lookout for items they can resale in their own sale at a higher price. They hope you don't know what you have & will sell it to them dirt cheap.

6. THE COLLECTION SHOPPER: They are looking for matching items to complete a collection they already have at home.

7. THE MAN SHOPPER: He looks for tools, antiques, pieces of equipment he can tinker with & odds & ends.

8. THE TOY SHOPPER: They are looking for play sets, kitchen sets, wagons, Disney items, powered jeeps, slides & water tables. The most common comment you'll hear from them is, "My grandkids would love this."

9. THE OBO SHOPPER: The first thing they say Is, "Will you take $_____ for it"?

10. THE "CAN YOU HAUL"? SHOPPER: They don't have any way to transport anything. (No bungee cords, no straps, no trunk or truck)
Which one are you? Comment below!

Happy Saturday!
Russell Hylton