Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day Nine - January 19, 2012

A life lived in the Spirit makes the law irrelevant.  When you walk in the Spirit, the desire to fulfill the lust of the flesh is obsolete.  The law is able to point out what I shouldn't do...the Spirit ensures that the desire to sin is starved out of me.

An Eskimo fisherman came to town every Saturday afternoon.  He always brought his two dogs with him.  He had taught them to fight on command.  Every Saturday afternoon, in the town square, the people would gather to watch these two dogs fight and the fisherman would take bets.  On one Saturday, one of the dogs would win and on the following Saturday the other dog would win. (The fisherman always won.)  His friends began to ask him how he did it.  He said, "I starve one and feed the other.  The one I feed always wins because he is stronger."

When we are full of the Spirit, the manifestation of the fruit of the spirit will be evidenced in our lives.  When these virtues are evident among us...there is no need of law to say to people:  Don't gossip...don't lie...don't cheat...don't fornicate...etc.

The fruit of the spirit is evidence of the law being written on the heart.  We are people of the Spirit.  We must respond to the Spirit.  If we respond properly it will be evidenced by fruit.


At conversion, the goal is for us to bear the fruit of the Spirit.  In other words, to be transformed into God's own likeness, the likeness of Christ.

When we receive the Spirit at conversion we do not receive perfection but we do receive a sort of "divine infection."  We have been invaded by the living God Himself.  The Holy Spirit lives with us, and the goal of the Holy Spirit is to infect us thoroughly with God's own likeness.  This infection grows into what the Bible calls the "fruit of the Spirit."

Heavenly Father, today I yield my body, soul and spirit to You entirely.  Please help me to live a life filled with the Spirit.  I realize that it is not anyone else's responsibility to fill me...but mine alone.  So I ask You for your help and divine enablement that I may search for every possible means to remain full of You. I realize today, staying full of Your Spirit is not an option if I'm to live the overcoming life of a Jesus follower.  Take me, mold me and fill me with Your presence, passion and power!  In Jesus' name.  Amen.