Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Strength of the Local Church (Part 1)

The local church is still where it's at.  I'm passionate about the mission of the local church and it's diversity in ministry.  We are indeed called to make "full use" of our ministry...but where does that ministry receive validation? You guessed it...under the covering of the local church.

  • The local church is still being built by Jesus.
  • The local church is still reaching out to the broken, forgotten and the poor.
  • The local church is still making a difference that's going to be seen for eternity.
  • The local church is still God's plan for reaching the world.
  • The local church is still necessary for believers.

If the local church is not necessary then why did Jesus say He would BUILD it, DIE for it and will one day REDEEM it?  Jesus spent a considerable amount of time talking about the church.  Apostle Paul spent a considerable amount of time establishing local churches and the protocol of leadership training, development and missional operations that take place within it and through it.

More and more there is a renegade attempt to establish a credible ministry that resembles a church-like structure...minus the covering, accountability and validity offered by the Biblical pattern offered in the New Testament.  (More on this subject next time)

It has become increasingly popular to bash the church for all of it's mistakes or oversights.  I've been in the ministry for 25 years and have seen people who have been active in their local church through attendance, service, giving, etc., for years...then ALL OF THE SUDDEN...drop off like flies.  

I don't want to diminish anyone's authentic hurt...but its a sad commentary when people bail out because...

  • Someone didn't call them when they were out for two weeks.
  • Someone said something hurtful to or about them.
  • They didn't like what the preacher said.
  • They didn't like what the youth group was doing.
  • They didn't like the songs that were being sung.
  • They didn't like the order of service.
The list goes on and on...but you get the drift.  When anyone allows one thing in the church to UNDO the decades of ministry and impact that have taken place through the body of believers in the local church...that's ludicrous. 

I agree, the local church isn't perfect.  If you stay in a church long enough you are bound to see hypocrisy.  Someone will say something to you or about you that will hurt you.  Decisions will be made that you do not like.  There are going to be sermons that make you mad.

Friend, the enemy loves to play this card on you.  He's trying his best to convince you to just walk away...with your hurt feelings.  He knows that the first step away from God is usually getting people to step away from the LOCAL CHURCH.

Consider this:  If you are a transplant that has recently come to a local church from a previous one...what made you leave the previous one?  I'm sure there's a list in your mind...but before we point fingers at the church, we might want to point one at ourselves and ask... 
  • Am I repeating unhealthy patterns that are causing me to constantly be offended or off track?
  • Do I wear my feelings on my sleeve?
  • Am I highly opinionated and overly critical?
  • Do I receive instruction and correction with a "thank you for looking out for me" or do I view it as a challenge?
  • Do I pout and lay out?
There are times when the Lord may lead you to another local church.  However, if it's to be done biblically, it will be done with a blessing, unanimity and seamlessness.  God is not the author of confusion and His nature is not seen in laying out, pouting, withdraw or negativity.  If these things are taking're probably in the right church but you just don't want to line up.  Therefore it's easy to seek refuge in a "new" place where they don't know you or your patterned history.

No, the church is NOT perfect...but neither are you or me.  So, when we're tempted to walk away because of the one thing that seems to hurt us or trip us up we should simply ask, "is this constant with this churches character?"

Stay in church long enough and you will have a bad experience...but let that PUSH you closer to Jesus as you recognize that HE uses imperfect people in His plan, which means sometimes they will get it wrong, and then ask the Lord to teach both them and yourself how to best deal with the situation...because, the LOCAL CHURCH is still His bride.

I love the local church.  She is still the BEST THING GOING!