Thursday, July 18, 2019

6 Things About Leadership

1. Leaders can't drive the horse & hangout in the wagon, if they’re going to reach their destiny.
2. It is not enough to surround yourself with intelligent people, if they lack spiritual stability.
3. Ultimately, you can’t always control whether you succeed or fail, or even if you’re celebrated or condemned for what you do. What we can control is the genuineness of our efforts!
4. Leaders give up the right to make excuses.
5. Nothing more frustrating & even nauseating than carnal mindsets trying to dictate spiritual direction. It doesn’t work like that. The gods of this world can never dictate Yahweh’s voice!
6. God planted Moses in leadership but birthed him in servitude. If you aren’t aren’t leading. If you won’t serve anyone but’ll never lead anyone but yourself.