Thursday, July 18, 2019

Remain In His Gravitational Pull

I took this Sunday morning, on my way to church. It was such a beautiful sunrise that I pulled over, on top of the big bridge on Ronald Regan Pkwy & had this stir in my spirit:
“God is like the sun & we are like one of the planets. We can only have our orbit correct if we stay within the gravitational pull.”
I can count on God telling the sun to rise & set each day. The question is, “Can God count on me being where I’m supposed to be?”
I want to live life in such a way that my wife, my children, grandchildren, family & friends know that they can count on me to remain in orbit to God’s gravitational pull. I don’t ever want them to wonder if I’ll be faithful or fruitful as a Christian (FIRST) a husband, parent, leader, pastor, friend, etc.
By God’s grace, my daughter has never had to wonder “Why doesn’t daddy go to church?” Or “Why doesn’t daddy live for God?”
By the grace of God, I never want to cause my family to be burdened with my inability to get my stuff together & LEAD my home spiritually.
For all the men out there, who are running this race called life...REMEMBER who gave you LIFE....Jesus! Don’t ever become too cocky, prideful, arrogant & a “know-it-all” to live this life with your own agenda. You’re not in charge. Jesus is. Each of us will stand before God & give an account for what we did & what we didn’t do. I pray we allow The Holy Spirit to convict us, lead us & draw us to a continual devotional intimacy with Yahweh.
Don’t miss the sunrise, because you have sleep in your eye!