Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Pass That Test


Tests that every leader will have to pass:

1. The Test of Temptation challenges leaders (and all believers) to resist the lure of worldly desires. 1 John 2:15-17 warns against loving the world or anything in it, emphasizing that the cravings of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, & the pride of life do not come from God but from the world. The test lies in choosing to follow God's will rather than being drawn away by temporary, worldly temptations, knowing that the world and its desires will pass away, but those who do God's will live forever.

Jesus passed this test in Luke 4:1-14

2. The Test of Tiny Tasks (Luke 16:10-12) highlights the principle that faithfulness in small responsibilities is crucial to being entrusted with greater ones. Jesus teaches that whoever is trustworthy in handling small tasks will also be trustworthy in handling larger ones, & whoever is dishonest in small matters will be dishonest in greater ones. This test emphasizes that how we manage the little things in life reflects our overall character & readiness to take on bigger responsibilities. Being faithful in "tiny tasks" demonstrates our reliability & integrity, which are essential for greater stewardship & blessings.

Jesus passed this test in John 13:1-7; Matthew 20:28

3. The Test of Time Delay, as summarized from 2 Corinthians 6:2, Psalm 69:13, and 1 Peter 1:11, emphasizes the importance of patience & trust in God's timing. These scriptures collectively highlight that while we may experience delays or wait for God's promises to be fulfilled, we must remain steadfast in faith, knowing that God's timing is perfect. 2 Corinthians 6:2 reminds us that now is the time of God's favor; Psalm 69:13 encourages us to trust in God’s timing for deliverance; & 1 Peter 1:11 speaks to the prophets who inquired about the timing of Christ's sufferings & glories. The test involves enduring delays without losing hope, trusting that God’s timing is always right & purposeful.

Jesus passed this test in John 7:6-8

4. The Test of Trustworthiness involves handling a situation with respect, discretion, & integrity, even when others are vulnerable. When Noah became drunk and lay uncovered in his tent, his son Ham failed the test by exposing his father's condition to his brothers. In contrast, Shem and Japheth passed the test by respectfully covering their father, demonstrating their trustworthiness. This test underscores the importance of protecting the dignity & reputation of others & acting with honor and respect.  (Genesis 9:20-23)

Jesus passed this test in John 17:9,12

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Daily Devotional - Guarding Against Being Easily Offended

Tuesday Devotional: Guarding Against Being Easily Offended

Proverbs 19:11 "Sensible people control their temper; they earn respect by overlooking wrongs."

James 1:19-20 "Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires."

In our daily lives, we encounter situations that can easily offend us—whether it's a thoughtless comment, a misunderstanding, or a perceived slight. However, as followers of Christ, we are called to respond differently. Proverbs 19:11 teaches us that it is to our glory to overlook an offense. Instead of reacting impulsively, we are encouraged to be slow to anger & to extend grace, understanding that our emotional reactions can either build or destroy relationships.

When we allow ourselves to be easily offended, we give the enemy a foothold in our lives. Offense can lead to bitterness, division, & a hardening of our hearts. But when we choose to overlook offenses & control our temper, we reflect the character of Christ, who endured much without retaliating.

Application Steps:

1. Pause Before Reacting:
When you feel offended, take a moment to pause before responding. Ask yourself whether the offense is worth holding onto or if it is something you can let go. This pause allows you to assess the situation more calmly & make a Christ-like decision.

2. Pray for a Heart of Grace:
Ask God to give you a heart of grace & understanding. When someone offends you, instead of reacting in anger, pray for them. This not only softens your heart but also aligns you with God's desire for peace & reconciliation.

3. Reflect on Jesus' Example:
Jesus faced countless offenses, yet He responded with love, forgiveness, & patience. Reflect on how He dealt with those who opposed & offended Him, & strive to imitate His example in your own life.

4. Seek Understanding:
Before jumping to conclusions, seek to understand the other person's perspective. Often, offenses arise from misunderstandings. By clarifying & communicating openly, you can prevent small issues from becoming major conflicts.

5. Forgive Quickly:
Make it a practice to forgive quickly. Holding onto offense only hurts you & hinders your relationship with God & others. Release the offense to God, & allow Him to heal any hurt.

"Lord, I confess that I am sometimes quick to take offense. I ask for Your help in cultivating a heart that is slow to anger & quick to forgive. Teach me to respond to offenses with grace & understanding, just as You have shown me. Help me to overlook minor wrongs & to seek reconciliation where there has been conflict. May my actions reflect Your love & bring glory to Your name. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

View sermon here: Don't Get OFFended (Wednesday, August 14, 2024) https://www.youtube.com/live/QuHzPfPRmmA?si=eMlaeZl4cp9K_OuG&t=2805 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Daily Devotion - Avoiding The Pitfall of Jumping to Conclusions

Monday Devotional: Avoiding the Pitfall of Jumping to Conclusions

Proverbs 18:13 "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him."

James 1:19 "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."

Jumping to conclusions is a common human tendency, often leading us to misunderstand situations, misjudge others, & make hasty decisions that we later regret. The Bible cautions us against this behavior, highlighting the importance of listening fully & seeking understanding before reacting. When we rush to judgment without all the facts, we risk causing unnecessary conflict & harm to our relationships.

Application Steps:

1. Pause Before Responding:
When faced with a situation or conversation that provokes a strong reaction, take a moment to pause. Resist the urge to respond immediately. This pause allows you to gather your thoughts, pray for wisdom, & ensure you are hearing the other person fully.

2. Seek to Understand:
Make it a habit to ask questions & seek clarification before forming a conclusion. This aligns with the biblical principle of being "swift to hear" & ensures that your understanding is based on complete information rather than assumptions or emotions.

3. Pray for Discernment:
In moments of uncertainty or when you are tempted to jump to conclusions, pray for discernment. Ask God to give you insight & understanding, helping you to see the situation from His perspective rather than reacting based on limited knowledge or personal biases.

"Lord, help me to resist the temptation to jump to conclusions. Teach me to listen fully & seek understanding before I respond. Grant me the wisdom & discernment to see situations as You see them, and guide my reactions so that they reflect Your love & grace. Protect my relationships from the harm of hasty judgments, & help me to be a person who values truth & understanding. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Daily Devotion - The Healing Touch

Thursday: The Healing Touch

When the woman touched Jesus’ garment, she was healed instantly. This shows the power of Jesus’ touch. We may not be able to physically touch Jesus today, but we can reach out to Him through prayer, worship, & reading His Word.

Action Steps:

1. Set aside time today to ‘touch’ Jesus through worship or reading the Bible.
2. Share with someone how Jesus has touched your life.

Jesus, I reach out to You today. Touch my heart, heal my wounds, and renew my spirit. Thank You for being always near to me. Amen.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Daily Devotion - The Importance of Persistence

Wednesday: The Importance of Persistence

Persistence is key in our walk with God. In Luke 8, the woman’s persistent effort to reach Jesus, despite the crowd, teaches us that we should never give up, even when it seems impossible. God honors persistence.

Action Steps:
1. Spend extra time in prayer today, specifically for something you have been persistent about.
2. Encourage someone else who may be struggling to keep pushing forward.

Heavenly Father, help me to be persistent in my prayers & my faith. Let me not grow weary in doing good, knowing that in due season, I will reap if I do not give up. Amen.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Daily Devotion - Overcoming Obstacles

Tuesday: Overcoming Obstacles

The woman with the issue of blood faced many obstacles—physical pain, social isolation, & financial loss. Yet, she did not let these obstacles stop her from reaching out to Jesus. Her determination reminds us that no matter what challenges we face, we must push through to reach Jesus.

Action Steps:
1. Identify one obstacle that is holding you back from your spiritual growth.
2. Commit to overcoming that obstacle this week with God’s help.

Lord, give me the strength & courage to overcome the obstacles in my life. I know that with You, all things are possible. Amen.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Monday, August 12, 2024

Daily Devotion - The Power of Faith

Monday: The Power of Faith

In Luke 8:40-48, we see a powerful example of faith through the story of the woman with the issue of blood. Despite her circumstances, her faith led her to believe that if she could just touch Jesus' garment, she would be healed. This teaches us that faith requires action & persistence, even when the odds are against us.

Action Steps:
Reflect on an area of your life where you need to act in faith.
Write down one step you can take today to demonstrate your faith in God.

Lord, strengthen my faith today. Help me to trust You fully and take steps of faith even when the path is unclear. Amen.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Daily Devotion - The Blame Game

Tuesday: The Blame Game

Consider how the "comfort of blame" may be hindering your journey toward wholeness. Blaming others for our circumstances can keep us stagnant, just as the impotent man blamed his situation on his inability to reach the stirring waters first.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, free me from the shackles of blame. Help me to take responsibility for my life & the power You have given me to change it.

Application Steps:
1. Think of a recent situation where you blamed others. Reflect on how assuming responsibility could change your perspective.
2. Actively make a decision today to take responsibility in an area where you normally place blame.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Daily Devotion - The Visibility of Your Testimony

Thursday: The Visibility of Your Testimony

Reflect on the transformation from obscurity to notoriety that Jesus experienced, when He was baptized by John in the Jordan River.

Like Jesus, you may feel unnoticed or undervalued in your current environment. However, remember that God has a plan to bring your hidden gifts & testimonies into visibility at the appointed time & He will use someone to point you out.

Consider how you might prepare yourself for the moment when God chooses to elevate your platform for His glory.

Prayer: Lord, help me to remain faithful & diligent in the small things, trusting that You will elevate my testimony in Your perfect timing.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Daily Devotion - Standing Firm in Temptation

Wednesday: Standing Firm in Temptation

As Jesus faced temptations, He responded with Scripture, showing us the importance of arming ourselves with God's word. The devil often tries to use our desires & circumstances to lead us astray. Today, focus on memorizing Scriptures that resonate with your current life situations, which you can call upon when faced with temptation.

Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, fortify my spirit with Your Holy Word so that I may stand firm against all temptations, using Your truths as my shield.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Daily Devotion - The Wilderness Experience


Tuesday: The Wilderness Experience

Matthew 4:1-11 reminds us that Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tested. Like Christ, our spiritual journey may often lead us into wilderness periods where our faith & resilience are tested. These moments, although challenging, are designed to strengthen our faith & dependence on God’s word.

Reflect on your own wilderness experiences & how they have shaped or reaffirmed your faith.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, grant me the strength to endure the challenges of my wilderness periods, trusting that You are with me, refining & preparing me for Your purpose.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Daily Devotion - Understanding the Value of Your Testimony

MONDAY: Understanding the Value of Your Testimony

Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11

Your testimony is the personal story of God's presence & power in your life. It’s not just a recount of what has happened but a powerful declaration of God’s continuous action in guiding & shaping you. As Jesus was led into the wilderness, not by the devil but by the Spirit, it highlights that our challenges often prepare us for greater tasks. Today, reflect on how your personal wilderness has helped form the bedrock of your testimony. How has God led you through your own trials & temptations?

Prayer: Lord, help me to see my trials as opportunities to strengthen my testimony. Let me recognize your guiding hand in all the phases of my life, especially the most challenging ones.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Daily Devotion - The Ultimate Test of Faith

Wednesday: The Ultimate Test of Faith

Paul’s reminder that "the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine" speaks to the trials all believers face. This prophecy compels us to hold even firmer to our convictions & continue the work entrusted to us by God, without wavering in the face of popularity or societal approval.

Today, engage with someone who holds a different viewpoint than you. Listen actively without judgment, then share your perspective with kindness & confidence.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Daily Devotion - Confronting Challenges with Courage

Tuesday: Confronting Challenges with Courage

Paul’s life is a testament to facing adversity with courage. The call to convince, rebuke, & exhort with patience is not merely about correcting others, but about growing in grace & resilience ourselves. When you stand firm in your faith & continue to minister despite opposition, you embody the true spirit of evangelism.

Today, reflect on a recent challenge where you felt like quitting. Write down what you learned from that experience & how it can equip you for future challenges.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Monday, July 15, 2024

Daily Devotion - The Charge to Persevere

Monday: The Charge to Persevere

In his moving words to his young protégé, Timothy, Paul emphasizes the necessity of steadfastness in faith & duty, regardless of circumstances. As Christians, we are called to not only know the Word but to proclaim it boldly, in season & out of season. This relentless commitment reflects our trust in God’s wisdom & our refusal to yield to the evolving challenges of life.
Today, identify a situation where you typically withdraw or hold back. Choose to engage boldly with it, offering your insights or assistance.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Daily Devotion - The Unseen Heroes

Friday: The Unseen Heroes

End the week by honoring and praying for the "unseen heroes" in your life & faith community—those who contribute silently but significantly. Recognize & appreciate the essential work of those who support & maintain the foundations of daily operations at your workplace, church, & broader community. Pray that God continues to use you as a vessel for His work, no matter how visible or invisible that role might be.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Daily Devotion - Supporting Like Dan

Thursday: Supporting Like Dan

The tribe of Dan, often at the back, played a supportive role, helping those who struggled to keep up. Reflect on who in your life might need support right now. Consider how you can be a source of encouragement & strength to those who are weary or faltering. Pray for a heart that is attentive & compassionate to those in need.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Daily Devotion - Stepping Up Like Judah

Wednesday: Stepping Up Like Judah

Judah, the tribe known for leading in praise & worship, was always first in line as Israel moved forward. Today, consider how you can lead with praise in your own life. How can you bring an attitude of worship into your everyday tasks? Pray for the courage to step up in leadership, carrying a spirit of gratitude & praise in all circumstances.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Daily Devotion - The Caulkers' Seal

Tuesday: The Caulkers' Seal

Focus on the role of the caulker, as described in Ezekiel 27. Caulkers, though unseen, are crucial for the integrity of a ship.

Meditate on how integrity in your personal and spiritual life acts as caulking, keeping you watertight and buoyant amidst life's challenges. Pray for the wisdom to recognize where you might be "leaking" and the strength to seal those breaches with godly wisdom and actions.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Monday, July 8, 2024

Daily Devotion - The Potter's Work

Monday: The Potter's Work

Today, reflect on the story of the potters mentioned in 1 Chronicles 4:23. These humble figures, working quietly behind the scenes, played an essential role in the service of the king. Consider how you, like the potters, can serve in your daily environments—be it at home, in the workplace, or within your community. Remember, it's often in the unnoticed moments and behind-the-scenes efforts that we make the most significant impact.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Friday, June 28, 2024

Daily Devotion: Reflection on Spiritual Authority

Friday: Reflection on Spiritual Authority
Scripture: Philippians 2:9-11

This passage proclaims Jesus' authority over all, emphasizing that every knee shall bow to Him.

1. In prayer, commit to yielding your life daily to Jesus’ lordship.
2. Meditate on the authority of Jesus and write down how it impacts your daily decisions and interactions.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Daily Devotion: Chaos vs. Christ

Thursday: Contrast of Kings - Chaos vs. Christ

Scripture: Matthew 9:1

Jesus’ return to His town signifies the shift from chaos to restoration, highlighting His role as the bringer of peace against cultural chaos.

1. Identify ways you can bring peace and Christ's love into your community.
2. Volunteer or perform an act of kindness that shows Christ’s love in action.

Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Daily Devotion: Culture's Failure

Wednesday: Culture's Failure

Scripture: Matthew 8:34

After witnessing a miracle, the local community asks Jesus to leave, preferring to maintain their way of life rather than embracing the change He offers.

1. Think about what changes you might be resisting because they are uncomfortable.
2. Discuss with a group or a friend how culture can influence our openness to spiritual change.

Every Blessing,
Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Daily Devotion: The Power of Belief

Tuesday: The Power of Belief

Scripture: Matthew 8:29

The demons recognize Jesus as the Son of God & react in fear. This acknowledgment highlights the power of recognizing & naming the true authority of Christ.


1. Identify any doubts you have about Jesus' authority & power. Pray for increased faith.

2. Share with a friend or journal about a time when recognizing Jesus’ authority brought peace in your life.

Every Blessing,
Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Monday, June 24, 2024

Daily Devotion - The Encounter With Chaos

Monday: The Encounter with Chaos
Scripture: Matthew 8:28-34

In this passage, Jesus encounters two demon-possessed men whose lives epitomize chaos. Their transformation begins when Jesus commands the demons to leave, showing His authority over chaos.


1. Reflect on areas in your life that feel chaotic. Ask Jesus to bring peace and order.

2. Consider writing down the aspects of your life that you need Jesus to take control of.

Every Blessing,
Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Saturday, June 22, 2024

10 Types of Yard Sale Shoppers

Today, I think I've discovered that there are 10 types of Yard Sale shoppers:

1) THE EARLY SHOPPER: They show up early in the morning & are willing to pay full price to get the treasures (or junk) they want before anyone else can.

2. THE MOSEY SHOPPER: They aren't really looking for anything in particular but they like to talk a lot & see other people's houses while examining the landscape & items in your garage.

3. THE END OF THE DAY SHOPPER: They hope to get low ball deals because they know you don't want to carry all that stuff back into your house.

4. THE CHECK WRITING SHOPPER: They don't carry cash & they think you're going to feel pressured to accept their check because you're desperate for a sale, in the heat of the day.

5. THE RESALE SHOPPER: They are always on the lookout for items they can resale in their own sale at a higher price. They hope you don't know what you have & will sell it to them dirt cheap.

6. THE COLLECTION SHOPPER: They are looking for matching items to complete a collection they already have at home.

7. THE MAN SHOPPER: He looks for tools, antiques, pieces of equipment he can tinker with & odds & ends.

8. THE TOY SHOPPER: They are looking for play sets, kitchen sets, wagons, Disney items, powered jeeps, slides & water tables. The most common comment you'll hear from them is, "My grandkids would love this."

9. THE OBO SHOPPER: The first thing they say Is, "Will you take $_____ for it"?

10. THE "CAN YOU HAUL"? SHOPPER: They don't have any way to transport anything. (No bungee cords, no straps, no trunk or truck)
Which one are you? Comment below!

Happy Saturday!
Russell Hylton

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

What You Value, You Honor

What you value, you honor.

You cannot truly honor someone & try to control or belittle them. True honor is manifested when we celebrate the gift(s) someone is to us through our actions.

If we do not place value on the gift we have, we will end up losing that gift because we could not discern it's value properly.

I've seen organizations, churches, companies, etc., lose valuable leadership, that was postured to lead them from NOW to NEXT, because they didn't recognize the gift they had.

What a sad commentary of antiquity, when the whims of history distort the path of destiny. We can lock ourselves up in the trappings of Rip Van-winkle when everything that comes out of our mouth is, "yesterday, yesterday, yesterday".

Every living thing is either GROWING or DYING.

The FOOT does not need the permission of the SHOE, to grow.

May we examine our culture of anything that is hindering the organic growth needed to PRODUCE more than lethargy.

Russell Hylton

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Daily Devotion: The Sweeping Anointing

THURSDAY: The Sweeping Anointing 6.13.24

Luke 15:8-10
8 “Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Won’t she light a lamp and sweep the entire house and search carefully until she finds it? 9 And when she finds it, she will call in her friends and neighbors and say, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost coin.’ 10 In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.”

Just as the woman sweeps her house to find the lost coin, we are called to actively work towards our spiritual goals & recoveries.


1. Actively 'sweep' through your daily routine to find & eliminate distractions or negative patterns.

2. Pray for the 'sweeping anointing' to effectively make changes & for the perseverance to keep going.

Every Blessing,
Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Daily Devotion: Association & Recovery

WEDNESDAY: Association & Recovery 6.12.24

Luke 15:8-10
8 “Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Won’t she light a lamp and sweep the entire house and search carefully until she finds it? 9 And when she finds it, she will call in her friends and neighbors and say, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost coin.’ 10 In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.”

The woman identifies with the lost coin, as she is one-tenth of the total coins. This identification with what is lost can be crucial in understanding & recovering our own losses.


1. Meditate on the areas of your life where you feel a deficit. How can identifying more closely with these areas help in recovery?

2. Share your thoughts with a trusted friend or mentor & ask for their insights & support.

Every Blessing,
Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Daily Devotion: The Importance of Individual Effort

TUESDAY: The Importance of Individual Effort 6.11.24

Luke 15:8-10
8 “Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Won’t she light a lamp and sweep the entire house and search carefully until she finds it? 9 And when she finds it, she will call in her friends and neighbors and say, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost coin.’ 10 In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.”

The woman in the parable takes it upon herself to search diligently for the lost coin. This speaks to the necessity of personal responsibility in our spiritual lives.


1. Identify one area of your spiritual life that needs attention. What steps can you take this week to 'sweep' through this area?

2. Journal about the personal efforts you are making and note any progress or revelations you have.

Every Blessing,
Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Monday, June 10, 2024

Daily Devotion: The Value of What's Lost

MONDAY: The Value of What's Lost

Luke 15:8-10
8 “Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins[a] and loses one. Won’t she light a lamp and sweep the entire house and search carefully until she finds it? 9 And when she finds it, she will call in her friends and neighbors and say, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost coin.’ 10 In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.”

This parable highlights the determination of a woman to find a lost coin, illustrating the importance of every individual to God. The story parallels how God seeks out each of us, valuing each soul as the woman values her coins.


1. Reflect on what you value & why. How does this align with what God values?

2. Consider something you've 'lost' in your life. Commit to prayerfully seeking a way to recover or restore this aspect of your life.

Every Blessing,
Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Friday, May 24, 2024

DAILY DEVOTION: From Barrenness to Birth


Friday, May 24, 2024: From Barrenness to Birth

Scripture: 1 Samuel 1:17-20

After enduring prolonged barrenness, Hannah's unwavering faith & her heartfelt prayers culminated in the birth of Samuel, who was destined to become one of Israel’s most influential prophets. This story is not just about the birth of a child but about the triumph of persistent faith over despair.

Every one of us faces 'barren' areas in our lives—situations where hope seems lost & fruitfulness appears impossible. Hannah’s story teaches us that through steadfast faith & prayer, what seems barren can bring forth life. Reflect on the areas in your life where you have felt discouraged or fruitless. How might Hannah's example of faith inspire you to approach these challenges differently?

Identifying Your Barren Area:
• Spend some quiet time reflecting on aspects of your life that feel unproductive or stagnant. It could be a personal goal, a relationship, or a professional aspiration.
• Write down these areas & articulate why they feel barren. Is it due to lack of effort, fear of failure, or perhaps external circumstances beyond your control?

Daily Prayer Commitment:
• Commit to praying over your identified barren area daily. Set a specific time each day for this prayer to ensure it becomes part of your routine.
• Use a journal to record your prayers & any thoughts or feelings that arise during this time. This can help you see how your perspective or situation evolves through sustained prayer.

Developing an Action Plan:
• For each barren area, develop a small, actionable plan that aligns with your faith & prayers. If it's a relationship, it might involve initiating communication or seeking reconciliation. If it’s a professional goal, it could involve acquiring new skills or seeking advice from mentors.
• Break down the plan into small steps that you can start implementing immediately. This helps to transform your prayers into concrete actions.

Seeking Spiritual Disciplines:
• Integrate relevant spiritual disciplines that can aid your growth in this area. This might include fasting, meditation on scripture, or other practices that draw you closer to God & strengthen your faith.
• Consider sharing this commitment with a trusted friend or mentor who can provide support & accountability.

Reflection & Adjustment:
• At the end of each week, reflect on the progress made in your barren area. Assess the effectiveness of your prayers & actions, & make adjustments as necessary.
• Celebrate any signs of progress or change, no matter how small, as evidence of God’s movement in your life.

Through Hannah’s story, we are reminded of the power of resilience & prayer. Her journey from barrenness to blessing exemplifies how our deepest struggles can lead to our greatest callings. Let this story encourage you to persist in faith, handle life’s misunderstandings with grace, & recognize the potential for growth in the challenges you face.

Every Blessing,
Ps. Russell & Beverly Hylton

Let's connect:
@russellhylton @beverly_hylton (Instagram)