Prayer relinquishes control – Luke 22:42 42Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.
Jesus’ disciples followed him in the night time into the garden.
- They had been with Him so long…they were'nt about to leave Him now.
- But not all were with Him. Judas had already begun his betrayal.
Jesus went to a place where He could have privacy.
- We too, must find a place where we can commune with God alone.
- When we’re alone with Him…that's when He speaks the loudest. Often, we cannot hear as clearly when we’re surrounded by the noise of people, duties & even ministry tasks.
Jesus encouraged His disciples to PRAY, that they might not enter into temptation to sin.
- The approaching trial could not be avoided.
- Jesus knew they would be tempted to desert Him in the greatest trial before them.
Jesus gave them an assignment.
- “Pray”
- Jesus knew His own assignment as well.
- Jesus knelt down on the bare ground (battleground – if you ask me) and asked for the bitter cup to be removed.
- We see the human nature of Jesus – which totally identifies with us our human frailty.
Jesus knew His Father’s will.
- He was headed towards death.
- There would be suffering and pain.
- He settled it in His heart and embraced our redemption and salvation!
- “Nevertheless not my will be done”
- He submits to the will of God – not the will of human nature.
The disciples fell asleep when Jesus was praying.
- Though we often like to point our finger at the disciples for their “seemingly laziness” – I truly believe they were exhausted in their spirit as a result of knowing their Lord was leaving them.
- Bearing one another’s burdens can be heavy to our spirit.
Jesus woke them up and exhorted them.
- “Wake up.”
- “Shake yourself.”
- “Quit being drowsy.”
When we find ourselves at a moment of temptation – we must RISE and PRAY!
“Lord, I give up my rights today. I give up my way of doing things. I surrender to Your will. I know I will have to contend with my human nature and it won’t want to give up…but I’m going to push past my will and allow You full access to my heart and life. As this happens, Lord, I will listen with a blood anointed ear to Your voice. Please help me block out the voices of temptation, distraction and selfishness. You are my King and I bow at Your feet.”